With the dawn of October, OpenAI rolled out its not-so-secret weapon, a creative accomplice to ChatGPT—DALL·E 3 🎨. This fresh out of the oven iteration isn’t merely a text-to-image synthesis model; it’s touted as a visionary that turns humble words into a canvas of vivid imagery 🎭. The union of DALL·E 3 and ChatGPT has spawned a domain where textual descriptions morph, albeit not always gracefully, into visual tales 📖. For the ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise clientele, this isn’t merely an update; it’s heralded as a ticket to a realm of boundless creative concoctions 🎟️. From a straightforward sentence to a labyrinth of paragraphs, DALL·E 3 aims to meticulously craft images clinging to the essence of the text, attempting to ferry users from the drab to the imaginative 🚀.

The heralding of DALL·E 3 in ChatGPT is akin to throwing a party celebrating the strides AI has made in bridging the textual-visual chasm 🌉. Yet, it’s also a cheeky nod to the subtle intricacies that yet remain in the realm of wishful thinking 🤔. As creators tread across the expansive, yet not flawless canvas that DALL·E 3 and ChatGPT unfold, they’ll stumble upon the limitations that scream for further tinkering 🔧. Amidst the glossy showcase of capabilities, the quest for perfection ambles on, nudging the whimsical boundaries of what our silicon friends can muster 🤖.

The release of DALL.E 3 in ChatGPT is a step, if not a leap, towards the fanciful horizon of text-to-image synthesis, bringing to the table a buffet of image generation capabilities, a cozy camaraderie with ChatGPT, and a nod towards user rights and safety, with a sprinkle of caution thrown in for good measure 🥳💼.

Deep dive on the new features

DALL·E 3 is the latest iteration of OpenAI’s text-to-image synthesis model that has been integrated into ChatGPT, enabling a new range of functionalities. Here are the key points regarding the release of DALL.E 3 in ChatGPT:

1. Release Timing and Accessibility:

    – DALL.E 3 was set to be available for ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise customers starting in early October.

    – The initial release was slated for October, with a broader rollout to research labs and API services planned for the fall season.

2. Integration with ChatGPT:

    – The integration of DALL·E 3 into ChatGPT has opened up new possibilities for users to generate images from text prompts.

    – DALL.E 3 is built natively on ChatGPT, enabling users to utilize ChatGPT for brainstorming and refining their prompts to generate images. When provided with an idea, ChatGPT will generate tailored, detailed prompts for DALL·E 3, and users can also ask ChatGPT to make adjustments to the generated images with just a few words.

3. Improved Image Generation:

    – DALL.E 3 represents a significant advancement in the ability to generate images that closely adhere to the provided text, overcoming the limitations of earlier systems that often ignored certain words or descriptions.

4. Licensing and Usage Rights:

    – Users have extensive licensing options with the ability to utilize, commercialize, or merchandise the images created without requiring platform approval.

    – Images created with DALL·E 3 are owned by the users, and they don’t need permission from OpenAI to reprint, sell, or merchandise them.

5. Safety Measures:

    – Measures have been taken to limit DALL·E 3’s ability to generate violent, adult, or hateful content. It also has mitigations to decline requests asking for images of public figures by name. There’s ongoing research to help people identify AI-generated images and to understand the ways these images might be used.

6. Creative Control:

    – DALL.E 3 declines requests asking for images in the style of a living artist and has introduced a feature allowing creators to opt their images out from training OpenAI’s future image generation models.

The release of DALL.E 3 in ChatGPT marks a substantial step forward in text-to-image synthesis, offering improved image generation capabilities, enhanced integration with ChatGPT, and a focus on user rights and safety.

Use Case: Crafting Illustrated Stories from Scratch

The marriage of DALL·E 3 and ChatGPT isn’t just a technical integration; it’s a storyteller’s dream. Imagine the ability to craft an illustrated story from scratch. With a mere description, DALL·E 3 breathes visual life into a narrative. A writer could start with a simple idea, and as the words flow, so does the imagery, dynamically evolving with the storyline. The synergy between text and image generation could revolutionize digital storytelling, enabling creators to see and refine their narratives in real-time. The horizon of what can be achieved is broadened; a scriptwriter could see their scripts unfold visually, a poet could see their verses take form, and a teacher could create interactive, illustrated lessons that engage and enlighten.

I actually tried to create a story from scratch… my first prompt was something like:

Hi, I want to create a bedtime story for my child. The main character is a motorbike, starting as a rusty wreckage and winning an endurance. Can you help me in developing the story and generate the images?

And then evolved to:

ok, I see 2 main problems: 1. the story is too short and “dull”. We should write a 24 “pages” story, with a classic heroic arc (including the fall and the overcome of the difficulties through practice). Plus, you should add some more detail: i.e. Alex is from japan but lives in US… the motorbike is a japanese motorbike (you choose the make and model) ecc 2. The images are all with different styles and the characters are all different etc etc. We will address the second poin later. Right now let’s focus on the story. Create the story outline in 24 points, following what I told you

I then also addressed the coherence issue with this prompt:

Ok, now let’s go one point for one point. I want you to create a prompt for the image generation that always includes (even if it is a repetition) – a description of all the characters visual features (i.e. if Rusty is a golden Honda CB750″ from the 1970s always state this). – a description of the style, i.e. I want to use classic anime style. Also, please change the characters names: Alex is now Tetsuya and Rusty is now Sabita ok, let’s start wit 1

sometime I had to circle back on some images and detailing the request with more visual cues, but otherwise the interaction was minimal and reduced to a “great, now next image”

Here is the result:

Takeshi and Sabita

Limitation: A Brush Short of Perfection

However, every masterpiece has its strokes of imperfection, and DALL·E 3 is no exception to this artistic law of gravity. While groundbreaking on paper, it exhibits a tinge, if not a splash, of inconsistency, especially when it comes to maintaining a consistent style and character coherence across a series of images 🎭. It’s like asking for a sequel to a blockbuster movie but getting a slightly off-genre spin-off. Crafting a series of images that maintain a consistent style or character representation remains a steep, almost Herculean hill to climb ⛰️.

Take a quaint tale from a personal experimentation in the “anime” style to maintain simplistic characters. A warm narrative involving grandparents was spun, but alas, the depiction of these elderly figures morphed with each image. Their visual identity seemed to have a life of its own 🎨.

Now, whisk onto a motorbike, a steely steed in this narrative. Oh, what a fickle creature it proved to be! At one glance, it flaunted four exhaust pipes, then two, and at times none. And oh, there were instances where the exhaust pipes entangled in a spaghetti-like mess, perhaps a nod to the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or just a bad hair day for the motorbike 🏍️. The fairing and the details were akin to shifting sands, constantly changing with the whims of DALL·E 3’s digital brush.

And ah, the knight’s helmet, the crowning glory of our rider, whose color and attire details seemed to be in a perpetual state of identity crisis. Despite a prompt armed with all possible details, DALL·E 3 seemed to have a penchant for improvisation. Today, a red helmet, tomorrow perhaps blue, and oh, is that a feather I see? I had to re-genrate many times the images to get something that was barely consistent. The attire too danced to its own tune, with details playing musical chairs in every rendition 🎵.

Moreover, as the demand for detail intensifies, akin to an art critic scrutinizing a painting under a magnifying glass, DALL·E 3’s struggle becomes apparent 🕵️. Complex items or intricate details may lose their finesse, much like a pixelated image losing its charm. It’s like expecting a Michelin star meal but receiving a fast-food version instead. The veiled full potential of the visual narrative is akin to having a color palette but a slightly shaky hand. The challenge of accurately representing complex items is a testament that although DALL·E 3 has taken a giant stride, perhaps in seven-league boots, the road to impeccable visual storytelling still has a few, if not many, miles 🛣️.

The quirks and quarks of DALL·E 3 somewhat add a layer of charm to the AI’s attempt at mastering the art of visual storytelling. It’s a bit like watching a toddler trying to color within the lines – earnest, adorable, but not quite there yet 🎨. Every misrepresentation or style inconsistency is a humble pie, reminding us of the sweet spot between machine efficiency and human creativity, which still remains a touch elusive 🥧. The narrative of DALL·E 3 is far from over; it’s more of a to-be-continued, leaving us with bated breath for what the next episode in AI’s visual odyssey would unfold 🎬.