Ieri vi ho parlato della “filosofia” del Think Different, citando anche quello che ho chiamato “manifesto del Think Different”. Quel manifesto non l’ho scritto io, naturalmente, ma la stessa Apple. Infatti, in versione ridotta, fa la sua comparsa come testo di una famosa campagna pubblicitaria di Apple:ed ecco la versione italiana

Per “parcondicio” ho preso la prima su Google Video e la seconda su YouTube. Nella versione italiana la voce narrante è quella di Dario Fo. Già che ci sono, riporto il testo integrale del “manifesto” in inglese:

Here’s to the crazy ones.
The misfits.
The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They’re not fond of rules
And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them,
disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing that you can’t do is ignore them.
Because they change things.
They invent.     They imagine.     They heal.
They explore.   They create.        They inspire.
They push the human race forward.
Maybe they have to be crazy.
How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?
Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written?
Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?
We make tools for these kinds of people.
While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can
change the world, are the ones who do.

notate come nella traduzione italiana si è persa (“Lost in traslation”…) la figura dei “round pegs in the square holes”, tradotta in italiano come “Le persone inadatte al proprio ruolo”.
’nuff said

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